We are happy to announce that we have also found the perfect candidates to fill the final two OptiVisT positions! This means that we have now recruited 15 extremely motivated and highly talented early stage researchers (ESRs), to become the next generation of Translational Vision Scientist.
Congratulations to:
Henning Schulte, Akshara Vaithisware Gopiswaminathan, Andrea Ghiani, Yaxin Hu, Mehrdad Gazanchian, Carla Moranta Alberti, Safa Andaç, Dilce Tanrıverdi, Mehal Prasanpal Rathore, Dini Pratiwi, Peter Reddingius, Ward Nieboer, Ashkan Nejad, Jannet Philip, and Anna Bøthun! We are looking forward to work with you.
Please keep an eye on this website to find the profile pages of, and learn more about, these ESRs soon.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 955590