Scientific Publications


The scientific publications published by members of OptiVisT are listed here

  1. Ghiani, A., Van Hout, L. R., Driessen, J.G., and Brenner, E. Where do people look when walking up and down familiar staircases? Journal of Vision, January 2023, Vol. 23, 7. DOI:
  2. Rathore, M., Shweikh, Y., Kelly, S.R., and Crabb, D.P. Measures of multiple deprivation and visual field loss in glaucoma clinics in England: lessons from big data. Eye, May 2023. DOI:
  3. Reddingius, P., Asfaw, D. S., Mönter, V. M., Smith, N. D., Jones, P. R., & Crabb, D. P. Data on eye movements of glaucoma patients with asymmetrical visual field loss during free viewing. Data in Brief, May 2023, 109184.
  4. Philip, J., Huurneman, B., Jansoniun, N.M., Cillessen, A.H.N., & Boonstra, A.N. Childhood cerebral visual impairment subtype classification based on an extensive versus a limited test battery. Frontier in Neuroscience, October 2023, Vol. 17.
  5. Nieboer, W., Ghiani, A., de Vries, R., Brenner, E., & Mann, D.L. Eye Tracking to Assess the Functional Consequences of Vision Impairment: A Systematic Review. Optometry and Vision Science, December 2023, 100(12).
  6. Gazanchian, M., & Jansonius, N.M. Effect of non-overlapping visual field defects on vision related quality of life in glaucoma. Ophthalmology Glaucoma, February 2024.
  7. Ghiani, A., Mann, D., & Brenner, E. Methods matter: Exploring how expectations influence common actions. iScience, March 2024, Vol. 27, Issue 3.
  8. Nejad, A., de Haan, G., Heutink, J. et al. ACE-DNV: Automatic classification of gaze events in dynamic natural viewing. Behav Res (2024).
  9. Tanriverdi, D, & Cornelissen, F.,W., (2024) Rapid assessment of peripheral visual crowding. Front. Neurosci. 18:1332701. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2024.1332701
  10. Powell, P., Pätzold, F., Rouygari, M., Furtak M,., Kärcher, S.M., König, P., Helping Blind People Grasp: Evaluating a Tactile Bracelet for Remotely Guiding Grasping Movements. Sensors. 2024; 24(9):2949.
  11. Bianchi, E., Reddingius, P.F., Rathore, M. et al. Pushing the envelope: the feasibility of using a mailed contrast sensitivity test to prioritise cataract waiting lists. Eye (2024).
  12. Tanriverdi, D., Al-Nosairy, K.O., Hoffmann, M.B., & Cornelissen, F.W. Assessing Visual Crowding in Participants With Preperimetric Glaucoma Using Eye Movement and Manual Response Paradigms. Trans. Vis. Sci. Tech. 2024;13(9):8.
  13. Dave, S., Rathore, M., Campbell, P., Edgar, D.F., Crabb, D.P., Callaghan, T. & Jones, P.R.. Views and opinions of patients with glaucoma and age-related macular degeneration on vision home-monitoring: a UK-based focus group study. BMJ Open. 2024 ;14(7):e080619. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-080619
  14. Ghiani, A., Amelink, D., Brenner, D., Hooge, I.T.C & Hessels, R.S. When knowing the activity is not enough to predict gaze. Journal of Vision 2024;24(7):6.
  15. Reddingius, P.F., Kelly, S.R., Ometto, G., Garway-Heath, D.F. & Crabb, D.P. Does the Visual Field Improve After Initiation of Intraocular Pressure Lowering in the United Kingdom Glaucoma Treatment Study? Am J Ophthalmol. 2025 Jan;269:346-354. doi: 10.1016/j.ajo.2024.08.023
  16. Furtak, M. & Brenner, E. Guiding the Hand to an Invisible Target. J Mot Behav. 2025 Jan 22:1-9,
  17. Andac, S., Stolle, F.H., Bernard, M. et al. Navigation performance in glaucoma: virtual-reality-based assessment of path integration. Sci Rep 14, 21320 (2024).
  18. Brenner E, Janssen M, de Wit N, Smeets JBJ, Mann DL, Ghiani A. Running together influences where you look. Perception. 2024 May;53(5-6):397-400.
  19. Gazanchian M, Jansonius NM. Effect of Depth-Dependent Integrated Visual Field on Vision-Related Quality of Life in Glaucoma. Transl Vis Sci Technol. 2024 Oct 1;13(10):27
  20. Y. Hu and E. Barth, "Novel Design Ideas that Improve Video-Understanding Networks with Transformers," 2024 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Yokohama, Japan, 2024, pp. 1-7
  21. Nieboer W, Svensen CM, van Paridon K, Van Biesen D, Mann DL. How People With Vision Impairment Use Their Gaze to Hit a Ball. Transl Vis Sci Technol. 2025 Jan 2;14(1):1.
  22. Gopiswaminathan AV, Haldina J, Al-Nosairy KO, Duval CZ, Stolle FH, Hoffmann MB, Heinrich SP. Objective Visual Acuity Estimates in Amblyopia Are More Accurate With Optotype-Based P300 Than With VEP Measurements. Transl Vis Sci Technol. 2024 Dec 2;13(12):30
  23. Kurt AB., Domenici N., Tonelli A., Landolfi L., Zanchi S., Sabatini S. P., Facchini V., Groenhoff S., Gori M. (2024). V-Spy Scotoma: A game designed to map and detect scotoma, IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA)
  24. Guarischi M., Hu Y., Kurt A. B., Zanchi S., Barth E., Gori M. (2024). A Machine Learning Approach to Unveil Balance Behavior Through Aging with an Auditory Cue, IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA)
  25. Hu, Y., Barth, E. (2024). Video Understanding Using 2D-CNNs on Salient Spatio-Temporal Slices. In: Wand, M., Malinovská, K., Schmidhuber, J., Tetko, I.V. (eds) Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning – ICANN 2024. ICANN 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 15018. Springer, Cham.
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